Cardio Risk
The cardio risk example program returns a risk score that depends on private checks.
- Nada program
- Test 0
- Test 1
- Test 2
- Test 3
from nada_dsl import *
Viand, Alexander, Patrick Jattke, and Anwar Hithnawi. "SoK: Fully homomorphic
encryption compilers." 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP).
Cardio risk factor assessment:
Check 1) +1 if man && age > 50 years
Check 2) +1 if woman && age > 60 years
Check 3) +1 if smoking
Check 4) +1 if diabetic
Check 5) +1 if high blood pressure
Check 6) +1 if HDL cholesterol < 40
Check 7) +1 if weight > height-90
Check 8) +1 if daily physical activity < 30
Check 9) +1 if man && alcohol cons. > 3 glasses/day
Check 10) +1 if !man && alcohol cons. > 2 glasses/day
def nada_main():
party1 = Party(name="Party1")
# Note: false for Male, true for Female.
sex = SecretBoolean(Input(name="sex", party=party1))
age = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="age", party=party1))
# Note: 0 for non-smoker, 1 for smoker. We aren't using Boolean here because we can directly add this.
is_smoking = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="is_smoking", party=party1))
# Note: 0 for non-diabetic, 1 for diabetic. Same as is_smoking.
is_diabetic = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="is_diabetic", party=party1))
# Note: 0 for low blood pressure, 1 for high blood pressure. Same as is_smoking.
high_blood_pressure = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="high_blood_pressure", party=party1))
hdl_cholesterol = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="hdl_cholesterol", party=party1))
height = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="height", party=party1))
weight = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="weight", party=party1))
physical_act = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="physical_act", party=party1))
# Note: This is in glasses per day.
drinking = SecretUnsignedInteger(Input(name="drinking", party=party1))
risk_score = UnsignedInteger(0)
# Check 1) +1 if man && age > 50 years
risk_score = risk_score + sex.if_else(
(age > UnsignedInteger(50)).if_else(UnsignedInteger(1), UnsignedInteger(0))
# Check 2) +1 if woman && age > 60 years
risk_score = risk_score + sex.if_else(
(age > UnsignedInteger(60)).if_else(UnsignedInteger(1), UnsignedInteger(0)),
# Check 3) +1 if smoking
risk_score = risk_score + is_smoking
# Check 4) +1 if diabetic
risk_score = risk_score + is_diabetic
# Check 5) +1 if high blood pressure
risk_score = risk_score + high_blood_pressure
# Check 6) +1 if HDL cholesterol < 40
risk_score = risk_score + (hdl_cholesterol < UnsignedInteger(40)).if_else(
UnsignedInteger(1), UnsignedInteger(0)
# Check 7) +1 if weight > height-90
risk_score = risk_score + (weight > (height - UnsignedInteger(90))).if_else(
UnsignedInteger(1), UnsignedInteger(0)
# Check 8) +1 if daily physical activity < 30
risk_score = risk_score + (physical_act < UnsignedInteger(30)).if_else(
UnsignedInteger(1), UnsignedInteger(0)
# Check 9) +1 if man && alcohol cons. > 3 glasses/day
risk_score = risk_score + sex.if_else(
(drinking > UnsignedInteger(3)).if_else(UnsignedInteger(1), UnsignedInteger(0))
# Check 10) +1 if !man && alcohol cons. > 2 glasses/day
risk_score = risk_score + sex.if_else(
(drinking > UnsignedInteger(2)).if_else(UnsignedInteger(1), UnsignedInteger(0)),
return [Output(risk_score, "my_output", party1)]
program: cardio_risk
sex: false
age: 10
is_smoking: 0
is_diabetic: 0
high_blood_pressure: 0
hdl_cholesterol: 60
height: 150
weight: 35
physical_act: 200
drinking: 0
my_output: 0
program: cardio_risk
sex: false
age: 55
is_smoking: 1
is_diabetic: 0
high_blood_pressure: 1
hdl_cholesterol: 35
height: 180
weight: 175
physical_act: 20
drinking: 4
my_output: 7
program: cardio_risk
sex: true
age: 55
is_smoking: 1
is_diabetic: 0
high_blood_pressure: 1
hdl_cholesterol: 35
height: 180
weight: 175
physical_act: 20
drinking: 4
my_output: 6
program: cardio_risk
sex: false
age: 66
is_smoking: 1
is_diabetic: 0
high_blood_pressure: 0
hdl_cholesterol: 39
height: 180
weight: 95
physical_act: 5
drinking: 2
my_output: 5
Run and test the cardio_risk program
1. Open "Nada by Example"
2. Run the program with inputs
from the test file
nada run cardio_risk_0_test
3. Test the program with inputs
from the test file against the expected_outputs
from the test file
nada test cardio_risk_0_test